FB/TW/INSTA: @bilalghalib
Co-founder : @pitchworthyEMEA @nurcreative
@allhandsactive @lambalabs @gemsinitiative @modati
Student : @criparis

The long
Are you interested in the entire everything? So am I!
🔧 I think the thing I’m proudest about supporting is helping inspire a community of makers in the MENA region and in various countries, sometimes in various complex environments, to work together to improve skills, build entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities, and most importantly to build hope. This was part of my effort under the GEMSI (Global Entrepreneurship and Maker Space Initiative) effort I ran across the MENA region for several years.
🌼 Bloom (ex “Pitchworthy”) is the next evolution of that, as we work to leverage technology to make sure the “waters of opportunity” flow to anywhere there is a seed of potential. We connect mentors, community and funds, through learning experiences to improve opportunities, education, support, and communities of makers and problem-solvers around the region.
My name is Christine and Natheer gave me your contact a week or so ago…
I‘ve just been overwhelmed by what’s happening in Beirut and just arrived there… (I live In Ireland)
I am interested to know more about your initiative and database, didn’t really get what’s all about.
Few words about me: I’m a film editor, filmmaker and writer foremost.
ps: I texted you the same thing but you said physical letter, don’t know where to post it 🙂 !
hey man, What’s happened to Baghdad Community Hackerspace Workshops.
I’d just want to know. am a 16 years old kid interesting in programming and hacking.
Dear Bilal,
I came across you on the Alter Ego network website, then looked you up on Linkedin. Looking at your work activities and network of connections I thought my book might be of interest.
The book is called ‘The Age of Wellbeing’ and provides a narrative for building back better with a vision for a world where we can all thrive. It’s had great reviews and sold in the UK, USA, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands so far. There is a free preview at https://bit.ly/ageofwellbeingfreepreview
If you’d like to know it would be great to talk with you.
Kind regards,
David Green
Lots still going on, check out the 29 day challenge! https://t.me/challenge_29