
I do public speaking as well as live facilitation.
Here are some of the recorded talks I gave (caution: drastic hairstyle change).

INK Fellow Bilal Ghalib travels the world building ‘hackerspaces’ – collaborative community labs where people share their tools and ideas to experiment, innovate, problem-solve, and actualize their imaginations. Bilal takes us on a tour of the hackerspace movement sprouting up in attics and basements across the Middle East, showing us that the future of innovation is decentralized, open source, and collective.

Bilal Ghalib speaks at the Open Hardware Summit in Vienna about distributed problem solving through open source, by describing how doing good is really hard, and that it requires deep questioning and constant engagement. Bilal Ghalib is an entrepreneur, activist and maker. For seven years he’s been helping establish collaborative making spaces in America and the Middle East. Some of his recent explorations include how cooperative spaces support refugee communities in Beirut and how meditation polishes what we make.

Terrorism, cancer rate research, prosthetics, and election monitoring are topics often put out of the Maker movement’s reach. But in many countries in the Middle East, these are central issues not addressed by the government or industry. Here, hackers setting up communities and project to deal with socially relevant problems themselves.

Nature creates, and we are natural beings – we’ve traded creativity and collaboration in creating our environment for economies of scale. Hackerspaces starting in Europe and spreading all over the world inspire agency and community. I work in the Middle East on open source culture and I’ve seen NGO & governmental international development work that don’t accomplish much. What lessons can we learn from nature to make the best use of our resources?

Today, the Maker Movement encompasses 3000+ creative community spaces across 80+ countries– places such as hackerspaces, fab labs, makerspaces, and tech hubs where anyone can have access to modern technology. Join us in our road trip to explore the world of innovation spaces and discover their impact on society. Speakers: Anna Waldman-Brown, Chinmayi SK, Bilal Ghalib