Help me ruin the internet by creating the worst webpage in the history of the web. I’m calling it Webshite. I’ve been coming up with a list of ways we’ve taken a great idea like the internet and corrupted it along the way: disabling right clicking, and animated mouse cursors come to mind… I’d like your help! Go to ruintheweb.com and add your demented rubbish to the list!
Try to be creative because I will take your suggestions and turn ruintheweb.com into Webshite, the worlds most foul webpage.
So far we have 44 elements that help promote Webshiteness.

Together I’m sure we can get this list to 95, the same amount that Martin Luther published in The 95 Theses.
-Yours in all that’s foul
*This awesome image was used as a Propaganda Image during WWII