Bluetooth headsets are so tiny now. I was looking at one the other day and was thinking something like: “I’d eat that”. Now to follow through. What if we could put a retainer on that contained a vibrating element (like the one in tooth tunes) and a bluetooth headset put on auto pick up. We could automatically hear conversations in our heads. Neat spy gear I think, really hard core mexican gangs can replace a few teeth with this thing so that there’s no speech impediments.
So far I’ve made a plastic cast of my mouth (Shape Lock is a good acoustic conductor) and taken apart a tooth tunes toothbrush getting to the vibrating element. To make the Mouth Cast, I initially was going to use some alginate, but after finding a bag of Shape Lock all I had to do was melt it in a pot of boiling water, pull it out while it was still soft and shove it in my mouth (video coming soon). Simple enough, It made a very articulated and form fitted mold of my mouth. This along with the vibrating element means all we need to find a way to run it from bluetooth audio, might need to cram an audio amp in there too. Seems like it’ll be quite a mouthful of sound, tasty!
So the speaker would be inside your mouth? Could it imitate voices too?